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To start the Low Bandwidth Net.Net™application, In the browser enter the URL provided by the Broker and press Enter. The Home screen of the Low Bandwidth Net.Net™ is displayed.     

This topic provides reference about:

Login Low Bandwidth Net.Net™ System

  1. In the browser, enter the URL provided by the Broker.

  2. Press Enter. The Low Bandwidth Net.Net™ Login screen is displayed.

  3. In Login screen, Enter User Id.

  4. Enter Password.

  5. Click Log-In. On successful authentication, the Low Bandwidth Net.Net™ main screen is displayed.

For security reasons, three consecutive unsuccessful attempts lock the respective User Id.

The password needs minimum one alphabet and at least one numeric digit.

For Change Password and Forgot Password option refer Desktop site.

new.gif Low Bandwidth Net.Net™ application display password expiry notification to intimate users before their password expires.

Trouble in Logging the Application

If you have trouble in logging the application, click on the Login FAQ link. The Login FAQ Screen is displayed. Follow the steps given in the screen to remove the bugs in order to access the Low Bandwidth Net.Net™ application. Still if the problem persists, contact administrator.
